Parametric Bridge Design with SOFiSTiK Grasshopper and Tekla

In these two episodes, you will be introduced to the workflow of parametric modelling of a bridge in Grasshopper, SOFiSTiK and Tekla Structure.

Content of Part 1/2:

How to create a parametric Bridge model in Grasshopper including and calculate it in SOFiSTiK.

Content Part 2/2:

Copy the generated bridge model from Part 2/2 into Tekla Structure.

A huge Thank You to Ministry of Bridges, Sebastian Lindholm and Andrés vonBreyman for putting these two episodes together!

Also watch the webinar on Parametric Bridge Design with Rhino Grasshopper.

And to learn more about the SOFiSTiK Grasshopper Components read the SOFiSTiK Grasshopper Component Online Documentation.